
Join the Club

All Rights Reserved - © Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club 2018- Content and photos may not be used without the written permission of the website owner. Comments and/or problems with the website please contact Maxine

The Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club meets approximately once a month and members are invited to bring their pointing dog for a training session. Our more experienced and knowledgable members will discuss equipment and demonstrate training methods and members will have the opportunity to work with their own dogs on those topics covered. The sessions are applicable to all levels, from puppies to trained adults.


Join the Club!

Please contact Russ if you have any questions regarding the club.


Please complete the Online Membership Application:




Russell Moore

91 Durrance Rd, Victoria, BC

V9E 2G5


PayPal is now available to pay for your membership - PayPal fee is included -

Renew your membership!

Member's name
Spouse's name