Constitution & ByLaws
History of our Club

President: Russell Moore

Vice President: Dylan Wall

Treasurer: Dale Francis

Secretary: Margaret Lehmann

Director: Brian Robinson

Director: Andre Thierren

Director: Maxine Moinier

Director: Tereen Roxburgh

Director: Steve Callander

Director: Phil Stanton

Field Secretary: Kelsey Campbell

Webmaster: Maxine Moinier

Club Info

All Rights Reserved - © Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club 2020- Content and photos may not be used without the written permission of the website owner. Comments and/or problems with the website please contact Maxine

VIPDC Board of Directors


The Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club is an organization that promotes training of pointing dogs for the purpose of upland bird hunting, field trialling and the pure enjoyment of working as a team with our dogs engaged in what they were bred to do.

The Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club is a CKC sanctioned club based on beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The interest has been enormous and our membership is growing with every event.

The VIPDC is a family-oriented club that invites participation from men, women and young people.

The Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club was established as a training club for anyone wishing to learn how to train a pointing dog. The club is not breed specific, meetings and events are open to all pointing breeds. Members participating so far have German Shorthaired and Wirehaired Pointers, Brittany Spaniels, English Pointers, Irish and English Setters, Vizslas, and Weimaraners.

After each event there is normally a meeting and a meal, which is always much appreciated after a morning in the great outdoors and provides a terrific opportunity to socialize, share stories and compare methods.

VIPDC AGM Minutes Nov. 2015


VIPDC AGM Minutes Dec. 2016


VIPDC AGM Minutes Dec. 2018


Constitution & ByLaws History of our Club