
All Rights Reserved - © Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club 2020 - Content and photos may not be used without the written permission of the website owner. Comments and/or problems with the website please contact Maxine



VIPDC Gatherings 2012-2006

Another great time at the VIPDC April 2012 Trial and dinner social.


AGM held December 4, 2011 at Trendsetter Farms, Errington BC - many thanks to Jan and Brian Robinson for hosting the training session and AGM which followed!

October 15th. Many thanks to the Buchanan's for use of their fields at the Parry Bay Sheep Farm on October 15th. The eagles snatched a few pigeons but the dogs persisted!

March - Thanks again to Brian and Jan for allowing us the use of Trendsetter Farms for a mock field trial to prepare for upcoming events. A potluck was held afterwards, lots of great food and conversation!

Feb 12th - Many thanks to the Christianson family for use of their farm this weekend in the Cobble Hill/Thains Road area. Although the rain came down, delighted dog owners enjoyed this scenic property and to work with birds. Many thanks to Phil Stanton and Ron Bouveur for their patience with the young pups and owners! "

Jan 22 - A training session was held at the Parry Bay Sheep farm in Metchosin that saw several new members out with their dogs working through the various training stations set up around the field. Thank you to the Buchanan Family for hosting our training event and allowing us the use of your property.

Member of the 2011 Year is shared by Phil Stanton and Cathy Steele.


Vancouver Island Pointing Dog Club ended the year with its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at the home of Deanna and Maurice DeBlois. Special thanks to outgoing President, Lance Sundquist, and Treasurer, Laurie Inrig, for their service to the VIPDC in 2010. Special thanks to Margaret Lehman too for her continuing service as our Field Secretary.

Officers for the 2011 Year are Phil Stanton (President) Brian Robinson (Vice-President) Jan Robinson (Treasurer) Cathy Steele (Club Secretary) Directors are Deanna DeBlois, Ron Bouveur, Margaret Lehman and Chelsey Winters.

Member of the 2010 Year is Cathy Steele.


January started off with a great training session at Barnums Farms in Parksville. Thanks to Brian Robinson for leading the day and to Ron Bouveur for pigeons and his valuable assistance. Also a big thank you to Jan and Brian for the chili, buns and refreshments. It was so nice to see new members out with their pups!

Our April Field Trial and Tests were a huge success thanks to the dedication of so many members, volunteers and competitors. A special thanks to the hardworking judges and those who travelled to our island to participate. Although the mornings were on the chilly side the sun shone for most of the weekend, giving spectators a magnificent view of the field.

August 2010 Many thanks to the Buchanan Family at the Parry Bay Sheep Farm in Metchosin for use of their fields for our recent practice field trial and training session!


The AGM and Christmas party was hosted this year by Lance and Laurie. A good time was had by all and the food was fabulous and plentiful! Business was taken care of with a new President elected - thank you Lance! Also stepping right in is our new secretary Cathy. New directors are Ron Bouveur and Deanna deBlois. Brian remains as VP, Laurie as Treasurer, Phil and Sergio have stayed as Directors. John and Pam McNally stepped down as President and Secretary respectively. They have worked tirelessly for the club in the past number of years and we thank them for their hard work and dedication!

Member of the year for 2009 - Laurie Inrig


Dececember~ AGM and Christmas Party This years Christmas Party and Potluck was hosted by Tereen and Michael. It was a wonderful evening with good food, good conversation and good friends.

The AGM was held as well and new Officers voted in, updated on the Contact page.

A big congratulations as well to Pam McNally who was voted our Member of the Year for 2008.

November ~ Springford Farm in Nanoose Bay was the venue for our November training session. It was great to see so many enthusiastic members and their dogs out enjoying a sunny November day. New members introduced their pups, all of which showed wonderful promise.

October ~ Barnum Farms in Parksville provided the grounds and a beautiful day for Multi Training Stations, a fun simulated Field Trial and a Potluck lunch. Maddy

August ~ VIPDC's first official CKC Sanctioned Field Tests were a huge success. The event was held at Brian and Jan Robinsons Trendsetter Farms and out of thirteen dogs that were registered, seven had qualifying scores for the day. Placements and further details on Event Result Page.

May ~ There was a good turn out of VIPDC members attending the BCABPC trial in Chilliwack with great results. Dyna placed 1st in Amateur Shooting Dog and Cassie placed first in Open Puppy. The BCABPC club put on a terrific trial once again, the weather was pleasant, the company was very enjoyable and the dogs were exciting to watch.

April ~ Fun Trial and Potluck Apr 6th at Brian and Jan's Trendsetter Farm. The trial was a great success with many training opportunities and the potluck was hot and much appreciated. Mar Training session Mar ~ 22 at Micheal Lake Kennels in YellowPoint. Fun hunt test judged by Brian Robinson and Cliff Durk combined with training stations. The potluck lunch was plentiful and delicious.

February ~ A training session and meeting was held Feb 17th at Adele and John Barnum's farm near Parksville and emphasized bird work and whoa training with a barrel. The dogs all had an opportunity to get in a good run as well and the potluck lunch was its usual success. The online auction items were available for viewing and bids - many were declared sold and claimed by the successful bidder. Details on the auction pages. There are more items being added so check back regularly. Arlene officially resigned as secretary, thank you Arlene for all your hard work and dedication over the past year and a half. Pam McNally was voted in as the new club secretary.

January ~ Thank you to Lance and Laurie for hosting. this meeting. Three training videos were presented that focused on the different aspects of the use of voice in training. Also discussed was our first major activity, either a sanctioned hunt test or a licensed field trial...still undecided. This will be retabled at the February meeting and a decision will be made.


DEC ~ AGM and Christmas Social Dec 8th at Margarets house. Lots of fun was had by all attendees.

NOV ~ The Nov 18th meeting was a fun trial and confirmation handling class organized by Tereen and Margaret and held at Brian Robinsons farm in Coombs. A potluck lunch and meeting followed events.

OCT ~ VIPDC Training Clinic - at Michael Lake Kennels in Yellow Point Oct 21st. Theme of the day was bird work with a focus on pointing, steadying,and backing. It was a little chilly and damp but the company was great and lunch was hot, plentiful and tasty. The dogs performed well, quickly finding the birds and showing lots of promise at backing.

SEP ~ VIPDC training clinic on Sept 15th from Noon to 2:00 pm at the Port Potato Farm in Port Alberni. The Potluck will be held afterwards at Chris Bibby's house.

JUN ~ Lots of fun was had by all at Chrissie and Jens VitalKPool on Jun 3rd. The dogs got the opportunity to get comfortable with the water, retrieve and splash their owners. The potluck and BBQ was delicious as always, and lots of new business was covered at the meeting.

MAY ~ The VIPDC gave a good show at the May 26th/27th hosted by the BC All Breed Pointer Club. On Saturday the Open Derby was won by Sergio and Tuga, second was Deanna and Lulu, third was Leia, handled by Maxine. Tuga also placed second in puppy and placed fourth on Sunday in Derby.

APR ~ There was a Fun trial and training session, which included one on one evaluations, as well as a BBQ at the Parksville farm of John and Adele Barnum April 21st.

MAR ~ The training session on March 11th in Port Alberni was incredibly wet but a huge success nonetheless, largely due to the presence of guest speaker/trainer/trialler Don Thorsen.

FEB ~ Another wet one, must be winter on the west coast. The training session was at the Parksville farm of John and Adele on 4 Feb with training videos, meeting and a meal following at the Rocking Horse pub in Nanoose Bay.


Dec ~ Phil Stanton hosted the first annual VIPDC Christmas potluck on Dec 8th. It was a roaring success and a wonderful opportunity to eat, drink and get to know each other. Phil's adorable GSP pups were a big hit too!

Nov ~ Brian Robinson hosted the club for a well attended and informative training session at his Coombs farm November 14th.

Sep ~ Fun trial and training session at Brian Robinson's farm in Coombs 17 September.
